Good morning everyone, it is a beautiful sunny morning here in Six Mile Run. There is a nice breeze blowing and it isn’t hot and humid, for which I am very thankful. We have had a lot of hot, humid days this summer. When it is too hot, I try not to do very much outside.
The kids have one more week off and then school will start August 22. I told you the summer would go fast.
When school was over there in May, I wondered how I would be able to manage all summer with the two girls. Well, thank God I survived, and I am also thankful for all the help keeping the girls from their Grandmother McNemar and their dad, they were a big help.
In a few weeks it will be time for the Broad Top’s World’s Fair. This is something that many people look forward to. My very good friend, Myong Defibaugh, and I usually go on Sunday evening and we each get a funnel cake and a bottle of water and sit down and watch the people who are walking around the picnic grounds. Many times we see people we know, and they will stop and talk to us. Then we watch the beautiful fireworks, they are always awesome. After the fireworks, then we go home. It is a good time together.
We are finally going to have the Saxton Liberty Alumni Banquet this Labor Day weekend. We haven’t had it for two years, so it will be nice to see my classmates and many other friends that I haven’t seen for two years. So to my classmates who read my column, if you can possibly made it to the reunion this year, please do, it would be great to see you again. As always I pray the weather will be nice for the Labor Day weekend and many former Broad Toppers will be able to make it back home again to see relatives and friends. I can hardly believe that it has been 68 years since my classmates and I graduated from good ole Saxton Liberty.
Before I started to write this column this morning, my cousin and very dear friend of many years, Doris Kay “Hon” (Shipper) Fox, of Grand Island, New York, called me to see how Charley and I are doing. We had a very nice chat and got caught up on the news about ourselves, and our families. Thanks for the call Hon, I love talking to you.
Mattalie and her cousin, Allison “Allie,” really liked church camp last weekend and now they are anxious to go for a whole week next year. Mattalee said she made friends with all the girls in her dorm. I was thankful to hear that, and to know she got along well with the other girls.
I wonder how many of you readers here in the Broad Top Area saw the beautiful rainbow on Saturday evening. I was on my way down to the church to make sure everything was ready for Sunday Worship, like I do every Saturday night. Well when I got out to the main road from the back alley, this girl was on the street with a camera and was holding it pointing up, and I would down the car window and I yelled and asked her if there was a rainbow? And she said, “yes,” so I hurried on down to the church and I watched the rainbow from there, and it was a beautiful rainbow. As I looked at the rainbow I said out loud, “God, only you could make a beautiful rainbow like this.” I was so thankful that I got to see it.
I was sorry I didn’t make it to the Street Scene last Saturday. Jessica took Makailee down for a while (Mattalee was at camp). Jessica said it was very nice and Makailee had fun in the bouncy house. She said it was hot and this is why I didn’t want to go. Maybe next year I can, go, Lord willing.
Yesterday, my neighbor, Tom Wright, helped me to get our yard and Lori’s back in shape again. I did a lot of weeding and a lot of trimming with the grass shears around both houses. It wasn’t real hot and it was cloudy most of the time I was busy, so I was able to keep at it from noon to 4 p.m. Tom also did some weed whacking for me, after he got done mowing on the riding mower. I was very thankful he had time and could do both places. Big yards are really nice but after you get older, they get to be too much to take care of. We are finding that out now.
I was glad to read in the Bulletin that the Street Scene was a success this year. I know a lot of hard work goes into planning, organizing, and making sure everything goes well, the day of the event. So once again I want to say congratulations for a job well done to the CHIP’s committee.
I was glad to see that the Coal Miners Museum will reopen this coming weekend, when the Robertsdale Community Days will be held. If you haven’t been to the Coal Miners Museum, you are missing out on the Broad Top area heritage. I went last fall and found it to be very interesting and very well organized. So if you can, pay a visit to the museum and enjoy looking at everything. I was surprised at how many people I knew in the pictures they have of the different small towns that make up the Broad Top Area.
In this week’s Bulletin there was a nice picture of Boy Scout Troop 4471, who attended camp last week at the Sinoquipe Scout Reservation in Fort Littleton. Two of our great nephews are in the picture, Grant Taylor and Gage Taylor.
Pastor Julie Rosensteel’s article “God’s the Whole Pie” was very good, please take the time to read it. Also Robert Veil Jr. tells about the “Sign of Jonah.” He explains it very well and easy enough for us readers to understand it.
Pastor Ken’s message this past Sunday was “God’s Judgment of Sin.” Sin is to miss the mark, according to God. God will judge people for their sin and that will determine who will be blest and rewarded for obeying God. If people know about God and know right from wrong, then they have no excuse when they come before God for judgment.
I want to offer my heartfelt sympathy to the family of Lee Zelanko, who passed away at his home on Aug. 8. I pray God will comfort his wife, Elizabeth “Libby,” whom I have known for many years. Also comfort for his son, Steven, and daughter, Tami, and their families, his brother, Donny, sisters, Shirley Wright, Pearl Tressler, and Kay Walters, and all their families and all other relatives and friends who knew and loved him. May God’s love and comfort give you peace and strength to help you through this time of sorrow.
Also my sincere sympathy to the family of Cleo Elaine O’Neal, of Broad Top City, who passed away at her home on Aug. 2. I pray God will comfort her husband of 73 years, Kayedon, her sons, Kayedon and Rodney, and their families and all others who knew and loved her. May you find your peace and strength, as God comforts you in your time of grief.
Congratulations to Bobby and Anna Spencer, of Wood, on their 65 wedding anniversary. May God continue to bless you as you love each other and as you serve Him.
I want to add belated Happy Birthday wishes to Marlene Wise of Dudley, who celebrated her special day on Aug. 1. Hope it was a very happy day for you.
Happy Birthday wishes to the following people who will be celebrating soon:
Aug. 20 – My cousin, Dean Novakowski, of Defiance; Mary Grace, of Hopewell; and Billie McCavitt, of Woodvale.
Aug. 22 – My friend, Tanya Shuke, of Ephrata.
Aug. 23 – My cousin, Rose Blair, of Saxton; and my friend and classmate, Talford Hedge, of Ohio.
Aug. 24 – Clarice Edmenson, of Hopewell; and Nick Brown, of Saxton.
Aug. 25 – Nelda (Thomas) Defibaugh, of Martinsburg; Bradley Eller, of Saxton; Tonya Thomas, of Kearney; and Micky Mellott, of Hermitage.
Aug. 26 – Elouise (Thomas) Moore, of Martinsburg.
May you all have a very special day and God’s blessings for many more years to celebrate.
Happy anniversary to my cousins, Paul and Linda Wright, of Newberg, who will celebrate on Aug. 25. God has blessed you and given you many happy years together. May He continue to bless you with many more happy years together.
Hugs this week go to my friend and classmate, Lois (Black) Cook, of Albion, to wish her a very Happy Birthday on Aug. 25. I pray you are staying well and taking good care of yourself. Thanks for always remembering me and my family with cards, letters, and phone calls. I always enjoy hearing from you. May God bless you and keep you safe and well and close to Him.
10.Nothing can compare to the love of God.
Have a good week, everyone, and God bless you all.
Contact Heather Koontz at; 814-623-1151, ext. 150.
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